We spent the first third of the meeting discussing my age. A third. Of. The. Meeting. He was very, very, veeryyy concerned about me being 10 years younger than the predecessor to the role. Ended up with only the second 2/3 to talk about my experiences, strengths, weaknesses, all that stuff you usually talk on interviews.
Don't take me wrong, in the end me and the guy got along quite well and I impressed him by not taking offence to his ageism and on the contrary, proved that I have "thick skin". And my pragmatic side do see the reasoning behind his generalisation of age=competence - I work in an industry dominated by men with receding hairlines in their mid-50's when we are talking managers. Yes, it is really hard being a female. Yes, it is really hard being young. Yes, I have heard that a billion times before, but you know what? I am getting older by the minute and I've already realised ages ago that I need to be twice as good as my male counterparts. How else did I get into this chair in the first place, you think?